Today is the first day of the WouldURather… Contest!
To all participants of the
WouldURather…(WUR) Contest, thank you for joining and we hope you are excited
for your first day! You may be asking
yourself, how can being in this contest help me quit smoking? Is using a
contest to quit smoking any better than the other options? I’d like to shed some light on these
questions in my blog today, and I hope to excite and motivate you on your first
day in the contest!

So how effective exactly is a contest
in helping you quit smoking? Research
from previous contests show that quit rates usually range between 10-50%,
whereas unassisted quit rates (aka going at it alone) are much lower – only
But what about the WUR contest specifically, how
effective has it shown to be? Our
research has shown it is VERY EFFECTIVE!
Six months after the contest ended, 24%
of those in Quit for Good and 27% of
those in Keep the Count were still smoke-free!
That is an astounding number, versus the 5-7% quit rate mentioned
earlier for those who quit smoking without assistance.
I hope I’ve helped to excite you all about the
contest you are in! Feel free to comment
on this blog or on our Facebook page and let us know how the contest is going
for you so far!
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